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Art Talk  未分類

Arts Talk: New Normal for The Arts amid the Pandemic

In the first half of 2020, cities and countries started to barricade themselves while social distancing became the new normal. All group activities have come to a pause with
the once-bustling arts venues now closed. Hong Kong is not immune from these measures, prompting the cancellations of arts programmes. The performing arts sector may become harsher than a Siberian winter, but art is known for its will to survive and thrive. In fact, as we try to stay sane while confined at home, arts and culture becomes an indispensible channel to stay connected with the world. Opportunities do arise from crisis, and the new normal for life during the epidemic may not be as insufferable as imagined.

La P en V Innovative Dance Platform  未分類

Outside Space and Time: A Love Letter to Life Itself

Have you ever imagined that you could go back in time and make better choices? While time travel remains the preserve of science fiction, art can offer just the thrill you need to spark your imagination. A good artist produces creative works that transcend life and death, time and space. Scheduled to take the stage this autumn, Au-delà du Temps by La P en V Innovative Dance Platform offers an opportunity to reflect on the true meaning of life and time through the art of dance.